Class 5 2023 - 2024

Miss Watson

Miss Watson

Welcome to Class 5

Welcome back to the summer term!

I can’t quite believe how quickly this year is going, but I am really looking forward to this half term. We have lots of exciting topics and new things to learn. For more specific information about what we are learning this half term, please find our newsletter and curriculum overview below.

As a polite reminder: please make sure your child brings their reading book in every day. We want to support your child's reading progress as much as possible, which is much easier if their book is in school daily. Please know we will be monitoring this closely.

PE days will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Children must have their full PE kit in school. I recommend they bring it to school on a Monday and then take it home on a Friday. Swimming will continue on Thursdays so kits should be brought in on this day, including a swimming hat for those that need it.

If you have any questions, please email me.

Miss Watson


Class 5: News items

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Class 5: Blog items

Year 5 and 6 RAF STEM Workshop, by Miss Henderson

British Science Week, by Miss Watson

World Book Day, by Miss Watson

Class 5: Calendar items

School Closes 15:15, by Ms Melling

Half Term, by Ms Melling